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VIDEO - Top 5 Design Mistakes

Hey there! Thanks for clicking on this week’s video where I am going to share with you the 5 most common design mistakes homeowners make.

I remember a few years ago when I was approached by a wide spread magazine to feature my home and office in their publication. I had only been in my current home for a short period of time and by no means had done all the things I wanted to do to it, but I couldn’t pass up this amazing opportunity.

When the day arrived for the photographer to come and shoot the photos, I felt all the feelings that I am certain all my clients feel when it come to their homes. I am wondering how awful she must think my place looks, wondering if she sees all the dog hair I kicked under a table when the doorbell rang or did she think wow, I was expecting something much more fabulous? It’s crazy what we tell ourselves right?

So, I tell you this story, so you know that I am not bashing anyone here. I NEVER walk into a client’s home and begin by telling them all the things they are doing wrong – that’s just not nice. But I DO take note of what they need my help with so as I start to work with them, I can help them work towards something that works better. And that’s the whole point of today’s video. Not to tell you how you are doing it all wrong, but to show you how you make some small changes in the right direction.

So, let’s jump into my top 5 list of VERY common mistakes I have seen homeowners make over the years and how to avoid making them too.

Mistake #1: “Hanging Art Too High”.

On average, the center of your art piece should be roughly 57” off the floor. That height puts the center of your art at about eye level for an average height person. This will vary slightly based on your ceiling height and the size of the piece, but is a good general rule of thumb. If you have been hanging your art way too high for many moons, it is going to feel all wrong to you when you first make the adjustments. But keep in mind that art is meant to be enjoyed by the users of your space, so hang it where it can be most enjoyed.

Mistake #2: “Purchasing Furniture that is the Wrong Scale for the Room”.

This is so easy to do. Furniture can look so different online or even in a furniture store that has 20 foot ceilings. You might think it looks perfect but then get it home and something just doesn’t seem right.

Understanding the weight or scale of a piece goes beyond just checking the length and width and making sure it will fit. So for example, if you have a small living room with 8 foot ceilings, you want a small to medium scale piece that isn’t too high. If you are lucky enough to be blessed with a huge living room with arched ceilings then your pieces need to have more weight to them to fill the space appropriately. And as always, these are general guidelines, as every space can be a bit unique.

Mistake #3: “Selecting the Wrong Paint Colour”.

How can I pick the wrong paint colour you ask? Don’t I just pick the colour that speaks to me? Well, the short answer is no. And here’s an example of why.

A few months ago I received a call from a woman who was panicking about the new home she was building. The home was painted and then her kitchen cabinets were installed. She was FREAKING out because she thought her cabinets looked dirty and how could she have made such a poor choice and could I come out to help her figure out what to do.

Not a great scenario for this poor lady – those cabinets had cost her close to $50,000 and if she had indeed made a bad choice, what would she do?

So I arrived to help her and right away could see what the issue was. Unfortunately, no real thought had been given to the “white” paint colour that she had used on her walls as it related to her kitchen cabinets. The white paint she had chosen had a totally different undertone when compared to the cabinets, and it was making her cabinets look really dirty – even though they were brand new. Luckily, repainting the walls cost much less than replacing her cabinets, so we were able to save things in the end, but a good lesson in understanding how all the colours in your space need to relate to one another.

Mistake #4, “Making Trendy Choices in the Wrong Places.”.

There is nothing worse than only a few years after building a new home or completing a large renovation, looking around and feeling like your space is already dated. Going too full tilt on a popular trend or being super bold in ways you are sure to regret down the road can lead to some serious design depression. Try your best to stick to classic finishes where the big money is being spent and have fun with your art, rugs, accessories – things that will be easier to change out later.

I have saved the best for last, and before you think this last point is totally self serving, let me tell you it truly isn’t. I believe it with my whole heart because I have seen so many cases where it would have made such a huge difference.

Mistake #5: “Homeowners not Hiring a Designer when They Should Have.”.

OK, get your groans out – I can hear them, but let me share just a few examples of what I have saved clients from doing over the years.

  • Building homes with rooms that were never going to fit the furniture that they wanted in that room.

  • Putting money into the wrong places and not getting the most for their dollar.

  • Selecting finishes that were popular 10 years ago.

  • Designing spaces that were not going to function for young children or older adults from a use and safety standpoint.

  • Designing spaces so neutral that they border on boring

Designers who have been around awhile are worth every penny you spend on them. Just make sure you see their work and speak to their past clients before engaging them on your next design project. I know you will be happy you did.

So there you have it – 5 of the most common design mistakes home owners make. Hanging art too high, selecting furniture that is the wrong scale for the room, getting paint colours wrong, making choices that are too trendy and not hiring a designer when they should have.

Thanks for joining me today and if you have a question for me shoot it over with a DM on Instagram (@flawlessinteriors) or submit it via the Conatact Us page here on our website. We will catch you in the next video blog!