flawless interiors inc.

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What is Your Design Style?

Do you know what your style is? Or does that question make you feel completely stressed out just thinking about it?

Let’s make it super simple. No over thinking it or committing to a lifetime of only one look. We are allowed to change and fall in love with new things, but we usually have a few loves that remain fairly constant and speak to who we really are deep down. That’s where we are going to go today.

1. Colour

I have always loved pinks and blues, as far back as I can remember. I know I love pinks and blues because when I walk into a space or a store or a garden, those are the colours I naturally gravitate to. It doesn’t mean I wear pink and blue everyday or that my home is covered in pink and blue paints and fabrics, but if I pay attention to what draws me in, it is pinks and blues every time. For me, a space that is all neutral might mean a dreary existence for my spirit. Understanding what colours speak to you is step 1 in understanding your spirit style. Don’t overthink it and don’t worry yet about how you could incorporate those colours in your space - that comes later. Just take note for now.

2. All the feels

Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt relaxed or inspired or something not so pleasant? Sometimes a space evokes a feeling for it’s user all it’s own and it can be different for every person. When you think about the feelings you crave most in each of the spaces of your home, which feel words come up for you? For example, I want my dining room to feel inviting, fun and creative. You may prefer your dining room feels elegant and formal. The feels you want out of your space will help steer the direction of your design aesthetic.

3. Materials

Much like colours, the materials that make you ooh and aah can help you define your design style. Are you a nature nut who loves anything organic and true to it’s original form? Or do you squeal with glee when you see anything shiny and sleek? Sometimes materials remind us of what we grew up surrounded by or of a favourite movie we have watched so many times we could recite it line by line. Whatever the reason certain materials call to your heart, we need to listen and work those elements into your space so it feels just right for you.

4. Stuff

What do I mean by stuff? I am talking about all the items that fill your home outside of the necessary sofas, beds, tables etc. Do you have a collection of crystal critters that you want to display so they greet you every time you come home? Do you love to travel and have a collection of masks and statues you want to prominently display to remind you of where you have been? Or are these questions making you shutter at the dusting and visual clutter they would create for you!? Understanding what your stuff - or lack of stuff means to you will also be key in defining the perfect style for you to feel just right.

This list is by no means exhaustive – but let’s do this is small steps! If you are still spinning from all the questions and feeling lost, try exploring images on sites like Pinterest. You may start to see some common threads in the images of spaces you are attracted to. This should give you some good insight into your spirit style. And it bears repeating - don’t overthink. Just pin to your hearts content and go back later to filter.

We will be exploring this topic lots over the next few months, so stay tuned! Until next time…..

See this gallery in the original post